Our Work

Honeychop Horse Feeds Website Design

Honeychop Horse Feeds Website Design

Honeychop produce high quality horse feed on their farm in the heart of rural Suffolk. We’ve supported Honeychop for many years to create a strong brand image, including packaging design, marketing support materials and website design.

With the website it was important to communicate the features of benefits of their products on the home page across their 3 ranges, with easy access to the essential information, such as product information and stockist search, in one click. The website features lots of helpful information and nutrition advice, along with the Honeychop story and their environmental credentials.

The website was live in time for their new product launches Lite & Healthy and Honeychop Topline & Shine, where we also created the packaging design and launch videos to promote the products. View the new Honeychop website: www.honeychop.com

“The website looks fantastic. Thank you to you and all the team for everything you have done, in such a timely and professional way. As always we are very grateful.”

Take a look at our other design and marketing work for animal health brands and the veterinary sector: DESIGN & MARKETING FOR ANIMAL HEALTH

The Finishing Post (TFP) is a creative design and marketing, branding and packaging design agency.
For over 26 years we’ve been creating effective marketing solutions for our local Suffolk and East Anglia, and national clients across many sectors of industry.
Get in touch:  hello@thefinishingpost.com

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